Summary of events in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours

Summary of events in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)
    During the past 24 hours IDF forces have been operating against the terror organizations and the Hamas in particular, to prevent their relentless attempts to reach the security fence and execute attacks against Israel. These attempts have increased in the last 24 hours.

    Yesterday, IDF forces identified two armed Palestinian gunmen planting an explosive device near the forces close to the Erez Crossing. The gunmen used buildings in the Erez Industrial Area to organize and execute attacks against IDF forces and the Israeli homefront. The soldiers fired at the gunmen and identified hitting them. The gunmen were wearing army vests and carrying weapons.

    In another event yesterday, IDF forces fired at, and identified hitting two armed Palestinian gunmen suspected of planting an explosive device near the border fence between Israel and the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

    In addition, yesterday afternoon, IDF forces carried out an attack against a cell of Palestinians after it launched mortar shells at IDF forces.

    Early this morning, IDF forces identified a suspicious Palestinian crawling towards the forces. They fired at, and identified hitting him. In another incident around the same time, IDF forces identified several armed Palestinian gunmen. The forces fired at, and identified hitting the gunmen who were discovered to be carrying hand grenades, small arms, army vests, ammunition clips, knives and communications equipment.

    IDF helicopters carried out an aerial attack against a post of the Hamas terrorist organization in the southern Gaza Strip. The attack was carried out following the continuous launching of Kassam rockets and mortar shells at Israeli communities surrounding the Gaza Strip, including those fired at Kerem Shalom today.

    Since June, Palestinians have fired at Israel an average of one Kassam rocket every 3 hours. Approximagely 200 rockets have been launched since the beginning of November.

    The terror organizations, in particular Hamas have made continuous attempts to kill or injure Israeli civilians and IDF forces, especially in the area adjacent to the Gaza security fence. The IDF will continue to operate along the security fence in order to prevent the terror organizations from operating near the fence, and protect Israeli civilians living in the Western Negev.